ELECTRA consists of HUGONIOT, a shock Hugoniot generator, ISENTROPE, to integrate loading or unloading along an isentrope, and IMPACT, a utility to calculate shock conditions in planar impacts. HUGONIOT and ISENTROPE can be run from a graphical interface (UNIX only). Both programs use the scalar equation of state only: strength effects are ignored.




  1. Unpack the software distribution.
  2. If using source code,
    1. Ensure that suitable versions of the C++ Maths Library (V1.0) and ARIADNE material models library (V6.0 or V6.1) are installed.
    2. If necessary, edit the Makefile to point to these libraries.
    3. Build the executables (usually by running make).
  3. Choose a location for the executables and copy them there.
  4. If necessary, add the executables directory to your path.
  5. To set up the graphical interface:
    1. Ensure that the Tcl/Tk support library is installed.
    2. Edit the electra script to refer to the correct directories.
    3. Copy the script to the executable directory.