HUGONIOT: calculate shock Hugoniot


HUGONIOT solves the Rankine-Hugoniot equations for a range of shock compressions, using the scalar equation of state to close the conservation equations. The equation of state is taken from the ARIADNE library.

A graphical interface to the program can be used on some systems.


From graphical interface:
   electra hugoniot &

Direct execution: (we recommend using the expandec utility to expand input from multiple files with comments)

   expandec < | hugoniot.x > hug.out

Graphical interface

Intuitive (?)

Input to bare program

All read in ASCII from standard input.
equation_of_state (read to object of class (eos *), so includes type)
rho0 e0:	initial state of material (density, specific internal energy)
comp1:	first compression to calculate on Hugoniot
comp2:	final compression to calculate on Hugoniot
tol:	solution accuracy, e.g. 1.0e-6
geomfac:	geometrical energy increase factor in solution search, e.g. 1.1
denergy0:	initial energy increment in solution search, e.g. 1.0e-6
verbose:	flag, 1 for diagnostic output
maxits:	maximum iterations in finding each solution
nd:	number of densities to calculate states at on hugoniot
mode:	output mode, graph or dump
abscissa:	state parameter for abscissa of graph (see below for list)
ordinate:	state parameter for ordinate of graph (see below for list)
usoffs:		offset to add to calculated shock speeds
usmult:		factor to scale calculated shock speeds (usually 1 or -1)
upoffs:		offset to add to calculated particle speeds
upmult:		factor to scale calculated particle speeds (usually 1 or -1)

Recognised state parameters for abscissa and ordinate:

rho	density
v/v0	compression (1 at starting density)
v	specific volume
e	specific internal energy
p	pressure
up	particle speed
us	shock speed
t	temperature
csq	sound speed squared


Written in ASCII to standard output. If the "dump" option is selected, the output comprises:
# comment line identifying columns
For each shocked state (also calculated first for the unshocked state):
   compression (v/v0)

If the "graph" option is selected, only the requested columns are printed.
