Manual for LAGC V1.0


LAGC is a multidimensional continuum mechanics code for time-dependent problems, solving the Lagrangian version of the dynamical equations. The code is written in C++.


All input is ASCII and read from the standard input stream.

verbosity (0:low)
number_of_dimensions (1/2/3)
spatial_metric (type name followed by parameters as required):
   axisymmetric_x reps (x is rotation axis, y radius; reps cuts off small radii)
   axisymmetric_y reps (y is rotation axis, x radius)
   spherical reps (x is radius)
   general fn (Realfunctionnd)

For each:
   material_data (mat_type)

For each:
   x_pixels y_pixels
   auto_flag (0: inline / 1: graphics_data_files)
   wx1 wx2 wy1 wy2 (fractional range of window to use)
   sx1 sx2 sy1 sy2 (corresponding range of "real" parameter)
   bred bgreen bblue (background colour)
   output_file_stem first_dump_index
   number_of_plot_objects (drawn in the order they are specified)
   For each:
      type parameters (see below)
   pause_after_flag (0/1: yes/no)
   clear_before_flag (0/1: yes/no)

Repeated until command is "end":
command parameters (see below)


  1. Realfunctionnd is the maths class library type.
  2. mat_type is the ARIADNE class library type.

Plot specifications

Generic functions are used to map graphical objects to the display, allowing offsets, rotations, reflections etc to be introduced. Options for the mapping are: