Integration of ordinary differential equations

Header file odeint.h

The classes and methods defined here allow the integration of a set of simultaneous ordinary differential equations (ODEs) of a real variable. Two approaches are used to allow integrations to be performed. Methods are provided for which a function name can be passed as an argument, along with control information to define the integration. Classes are provided from which a user-defined function can inherit, and methods in the class can be used to perform the integration.

Methods to perform integration

Runge-Kutta integration with accuracy checking

Adapts stepsize to ensure accuracy. Compares step with 2 halfsteps to determine error. Uses 5th order scalings to predict improved stepsizes. Additional error reduction implemented.
Vector rkaccint(
   // Data in:
   const double x1, // start of interval (initial function values known)
   const double x2, // end of interval (function values to be calculated)
   const double acc, // desired accuracy parameter (e.g. 1e-4)
   const int nsugsteps, // suggested number of steps over interval
   const int maxsteps, // max steps allowed (0 => no limit)
   Vector (*dfdx)(const double, const Vector&), // derivatives routine
   const int verbose, // true for extra diagnostic output
   const double eps, // numerical bandwidth (e.g. 1e-6) used in scaling
      //  and to detect stepsize underflow
   const Vector& f1, // initial function values
   // Data out:
   int& nsteps, // number of integration steps needed
   int& hitmax, // true if reached max iterations
   int& underflow // true if space step became too small

Classes to define and integrate functions

ODE integrator class, ODEvector

Expects subclasses to define a vector function of a real number and a real vector, which is the set of simultaneous ODEs. To integrate the set of functions, the class is used as follows:
  1. Define a subclass which inherits from this class for the particular ODE to be solved.
  2. Define a method in the class to evaluate the gradients given the ordinate and a vector of parameters:
       Vector dfdx(const double x, const Vector& f) const
    (This is the most simple form. Some of the integration methods can use more information, as described below.)
  3. Set control parameters for the integration. The control parameters (constituents of the ODEvector class) are:
    double acc; // accuracy, e.g. 1.0e-8
    int nsugsteps; // suggested integration steps, e.g. 10
    int maxsteps; // max integration steps; 0 => no limit
    int verbose; // 1 for diagnostic output
    double eps; // bandwidth, e.g. 1.0e-10
    double sfac; // step change safety factor, e.g. 0.9

    There is a call to set defaults, the unimaginatively-named

    The defaults are:
       acc = 1.0e-8;
       nsugsteps = 10;
       maxsteps = 0;
       verbose = 0;
       eps = 1.0e-10;
       sfac = 0.9;

    The control parameters are publically-aceessible, and can also be set individually.

  4. Call the appropriate integration method: