
Header file datafit.h


See also methods to fit surfaces to data.

Polynomial fitting

Finds best-fitting straight line and standard deviation, with intercept calculated or specified. Equation is of the form y = a.x + b.
int lsqline(
   // Data in:
   const Vector& x, // ordinates
   const Vector& y, // y(x) data values
   const int fixb, // 1: define bhat / 0: fit it
   const double eps, // numerical bandwidth to prevent overflow on division
   // Data in/out:
   double& bhat, // best-fitting (or supplied) intercept
   // Data out:
   double& ahat, // best-fitting gradient
   double& sd // standard deviation
Returns 1 on success; 0 if failed because gradient or intercept calculation would involve division by small number.
Solves overdetermined system of equations by Givens rotations.
Array polyfitg(
   const Array& x, // Array of x-ordinates
   const Array& y, // Array of y-values
   const Array& w, // Array of weights
   const int n, // number of polynomial coefficients, i.e. order + 1
   double& res, // residual of l2 fit (returned value)
   const double eps = 1.0e-6 // numerical bandwidth for spotting singular matrix
Returns polynomial coefficients (order of increasing powers of x), or an Array of length zero if it fails.

Multilinear fitting

natural fit to data defined at the corners of a rectangle
Array frectfit(
   const Array& x, // x ordinates of corners (2)
   const Array& y, // y ordinates of corners (2)
   const matrix& f, // function values (2x2)
   const eps = 1.0e-6 // numerical bandwidth
Returns coefficients for the functions {1,x,y,xy} respectively, or an Array of no elements if the fitting fails.


Work out which run of points to use for fitting tabular data
int fitstart(
   const Array& r, // Array of ordinates
   const double rr, // value around which fit is to be performed
   const int nr // number of points required for the fit
(returns index of first point)